By Melissa Muiznieks
When one thinks about an Honor’s College student they usually think about a hardworking student whose main goal is academics.
However, there are many students in the school who still have hobbies and passions. Alvaro Diaz who is a Honor’s student studying Biology in hopes of becoming a veterinarian. Diaz also wants to pursue photography.
Focusing mainly on nature and bird photography, he believes that there is so much around us on our very own campus that we don’t see. Diaz prefers to do close up photography stating that he, “likes to see small things blown up.”
By showing the details of these animals, the biology student is showing the beauty that people don’t often see from afar.
Diaz, the future president of the Honor school’s Photography club, sits by the swings by Chemistry & Physics and Academic Health Center 3 with his camera.
Alvaro spends hours just taking pictures of the wildlife, such as the birds and cats that roam around the area.
Diaz has even admitted to being late for classes and getting lost his photography at times.
If it’s one thing that he hopes he can inspire in other people, be it photography enthusiast or not, is to take a break from social media and look at their surrounding.
Diaz sees the beauty of nature all around us and knows that people don’t see it much saying, “we don’t appreciate the small wildlife.”
Though many people have idols when dealing with their passion Diaz doesn’t have one officially but he does have someone who started his interest in it.
The honors student was working in CPR Cell Phone Repair where a gentleman named Phil came in asking for his help on his computer.
Diaz then went to his home on a later to day to help with another computer issues and the array of cameras, in Phil’s living room caught Diaz’s attention.
After Phil saw that he peaked Diaz’s interest Phil lent Diaz one of his camera’s but Diaz has since gotten a set to call his own.
Diaz is a self-taught photographer . He quickly picked up the technique and has his own set of cameras to call his own.
Now you will never see him without his Nikon at his hip and his camera bag across his back. He is so passionate about it and hopes that one day he could make a living of off his photography.
Due to Diaz’s passion in photography it encourages him to want to make the club better. He wants to see it grow and improve in every way possible and his dedication to this art is what could take the club to another level.
Though the photographer student admits photography takes over his life. He has a tough time struggling between his hobby and academics, but he’s determined to bring a balance to the two.
Alvaro wants to show the world the beauty that surrounds us that we take for granted.
“We are nature, it’s the basis of our world and everything that’s not nature in the world is just man-made,” according to Diaz.
If you want to see his photos just check his instagram account @sofloalvaro.
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